Search for tag: "nursing"
Professor Mark Hayter Inaugural Professorial Lecture 16 March 2022This is a recording of Professor Mark Hayter's Inaugural Professorial Lecture, titled "Sexuality and sexual health in nursing over 4 decades; from non-existent to multi-dimensional".…
From Chris Wills
117 plays
Why it’s important to talk to others if you’re concerned about your healthAdvice for Pwle: Encouraging them to talk to someone they trust rather than worrying alone. Minimising stress: address concerns early and speak to the right person.
From Gareth Preston
2 plays
Hostels and substance useHostel placements can exacerbate a person’s substance use – but they are off the streets. Working in homelessness: about as many people die as those who recover. In contrast to PC staff,…
From Gareth Preston
2 plays
Recognising the links between trauma, substance use and homelessnessNeed policy change -and greater recognition of the links between trauma, SU and homelessness.Need collaborative work across hostels – need to challenge the feeling that people who use…
From Gareth Preston
17 plays
Improving end of life care for the futureImproving End of Life Care for the future – local models but need to provide support for people (40s+) who want to carry on using substances.Society needs to take more responsibility for…
From Gareth Preston
59 plays
The challenges of scarce resourcesPractitioners balancing resource allocation, trying to teach colleagues not to judge whether someone ‘deserves’ care, the unpredictability of death. Fighting for scarce resources:…
From Gareth Preston
6 plays
Having natural conversationsTiming conversations: using the ‘window of opportunity’ after hospital discharge.
From Gareth Preston
32 plays
Keeping track of people’s health changes over timeRecording observations over time to identify when health changes occur. Using the SPICT.
From Gareth Preston
20 plays
Acknowledging the sensitivity of someone using substances in relation to pain reliefAcknowledging SU sensitively – in the context of managing pain relief. Judging the truth about SU. Maintaining own honesty and giving people the time to trust enough to say. Stigma preventing…
From Gareth Preston
37 plays
Change the recovery narrative: death is not a service failureStaff need for peer support – especially for people outside of medical field, where death is not expected to be part of working life.
From Gareth Preston
4 plays
Staff training in both substance use and end of life careStaff training: what palliative care staff need to know about substance use.
From Gareth Preston
2 plays