Search for tag: "health"

Introduction to the Behaviour Change Wheel Video Presentation

From  Chanais Matthias 83 plays

PST Introduction video

From  Anne Everett 16 plays

ICanDo Service Symposium

The IDoService project aims to develop a service…

+2 More
From  Laura Orton 17 plays

Professor Mark Hayter Inaugural Professorial Lecture 16 March 2022

This is a recording of Professor Mark…

From  Chris Wills 117 plays

Professor Christopher Hatton Inaugural Professorial Lecture 23 February 2022.

This is a recording of Professor Christopher…

From  Andrew Jones 235 plays

Combined hormonal contraception

From  Ruth Thomas 103 plays

Wellbeing Q&A: Sexual Health and Consent

Video recording of the Sexual Health and Consent…

From  Nichola Stead 19 plays

Mental Health Day Webinar 2021

A short webinar letting you know what services…

From  Chrissi Sainsbury 3 plays

Social anxiety seminar (30 minutes)

Join Andrew Barley, Counsellor in the…

From  Nichola Stead 108 plays

LGBTQ+ health and wellbeing discussion with Manchester Met staff and students

Video recording of the LGBTQ+ Health and…

+4 More
From  Nichola Stead 25 plays

SCPHN & CH induction: Teaching and learning methods

From  Ruth Thomas 19 plays

Webinar: Thriving in Public Service - Well-being from the Frontline - ESRC Festival of Social Science 2020

In this session hear from Sarah Ingleby and…

From  Lauren Dunbevand 10 plays

Webinar: Thriving in Public Service - The Resilience at Work Toolkit - ESRC Festival of Social Science 2020

Kathryn McEwen and Angela Powell discuss the…

From  Lauren Dunbevand 23 plays

Webinar: Thriving in Public Service - Exploring the concept and benefits of Schwarz Rounds as a tool for staff well-being - ESRC Festival of Social Science 2020

The Thriving in Public Service webinar from the…

+7 More
From  Lauren Dunbevand 8 plays

Webinar: Thriving in Public Service - Resilience to Traumatic Incidents in the Police Force - ESRC Festival of Social Science 2020

The Thriving in Public Service webinar from the…

+6 More
From  Lauren Dunbevand 26 plays

World Mental Health Day 2020 Introduction

Faye tells us about the virtual events and…

From  Nichola Stead 13 plays