Search for tag: "digiedmoodle4"
How to add a course image to your Moodle areaThis video explains how to add a course image to your Moodle area. This will appear as a banner at the top of the Moodle page and as an icon on the my areas page. The video shows you how to the…
From Leanne Fitton
78 plays
How to restrict Moodle content based on datesThis video demonstrates how to add date restrictions in Moodle, so students can only see selected content after/before a specified date and time.
From Leanne Fitton
9 plays
How to hide content from students in MoodleThis video explains how you can hide content from students in Moodle. You can do this for a single item or an entire section. The video also shows how you can do this in bulk using the mass actions…
From Leanne Fitton
32 plays
How to import an entire Moodle area into anotherThis video will demonstrate how to import an entire Moodle area into another. This is a useful feature for preparing for a unit that has been delivered previously.
From Leanne Fitton
1,226 plays
How to search for a Moodle courseThis video demonstrates how to import a single item from one Moodle area to another. This could be a resource, an activity, or any other item that you'd like to move.
From Leanne Fitton
51 plays
Navigating a standard summative submission pointThis video guide from June 2023, takes you through the key information of navigating a summative submission point in Moodle whther TurnitIn is enabled or not. This also includes details and…
From Steven Williams
36 plays
Setting up a Turnitin rubricThis video guide froom June 2023 goes through the key details of how to setup a TurnItin Rubric Including: Coursework settings The TurnItIn plugin options How to create directly through Moodle How to…
From Steven Williams
297 plays
Using the Survey activity in Moodle 4In this video we'll show you how to use the pre-determined question set in the Survey resource. These are a great way to question your students about their learning in the unit or module.
From Colin McAllister-Gibson
9 plays
Moodle 4 Text EditorMoodle 4 Text Editor Overview showing the new simplified interface and options for adding content.
From Phil Sayer
58 plays
How to... embed external content in MoodleIn this video we look at how to embed content from external sites, into the Moodle Page resource and also directly into your Moodle course using the Text and Media area resource. …
From Stuart Parkin
69 plays
How to... use the Moodle feedback activityThis video takes you through the process of setting up a questionnaire using the Moodle feedback activity.
From Stuart Parkin
17 plays
How to... access & download a Moodle participant listIn this video we cover how to access, filter and download a list of participants on your moodle area. We also look at how to use email addresses from this list to send a group email to your students.
From Stuart Parkin
59 plays
Marking in coursework without TurnitinThis video will take you through the tools that can be used to mark and grade using the Moodle assignment options without the use of Turnitin. Created 06/23
From Jack Sutherst
65 plays
Marking in coursework using TurnitinThis video covers how to use Turnitin's grading, feedback and originality tools. Created 06/23
From Jack Sutherst
129 plays