20:26duration 20 minutes 26 seconds
Wellbeing Q&A: Sexual Health and Consent
Video recording of the Sexual Health and Consent…
20:07duration 20 minutes 7 seconds
Improving your motivation with online learning…
Improving your motivation with online learning (20 minutes)
Join Timokleia, Wellbeing Adviser in the…
14:38duration 14 minutes 38 seconds
Eating disorders seminar
Join Mehran Mesbahi, Counsellor in the…
35:07duration 35 minutes 7 seconds
Social anxiety seminar (30 minutes)
Join Andrew Barley, Counsellor in the…
04:54duration 4 minutes 54 seconds
Counselling, Mental Health and Wellbeing Service…
Counselling, Mental Health and Wellbeing Service - Webinar
This webinar covers the full details of the…
10:18duration 10 minutes 18 seconds
Student Services Introduction
Introduction to your Student Services. Watch this…
01:38duration 1 minute 38 seconds
Counselling, Mental Health and Wellbeing -…
Counselling, Mental Health and Wellbeing - student view
Student Sianead Harding tells us about her…