Search for tag: "hip"

Hip - Lower Quadrant- Measuring the Range of Movement

Demonstration of how to measure a client's movement range.

From  Gareth Preston 1,112 plays

Hip Joint Objective Assessment (Lying)

From  Gareth Preston 783 plays

Hip Joint Objective Assessment (Standing)

From  Gareth Preston 931 plays

Manual Therapy Hip Joint Passive Physiological Medial Rotation

A demonstration of manual therapy for the hip joint using Passive Physiological Medial Rotation.

From  Gareth Preston 2,878 plays

Manual Therapy Hip Joint Longitudinal Caudad

A demonstration of manual therapy for a hip joint using Longitudinal Caudad (hip flexed and hip neutral).

From  Gareth Preston 4,019 plays

hip objective assessment (lying)

hip assessment part 2 lying, physiotherapy

From  Kay Hurst 604 plays

Hip objective assessment (standing)

Part 1 of hip objective assessment , physiotherapy

From  Kay Hurst 641 plays

Passive movement of the hip joint

A demonstration of how to examine a patient's hip using passive movement.

From  Gareth Preston 16 plays

Isometric testing of the hip muscles

A demonstration of how to carry out isometric testing of the muscles connected to the elbow.

From  Gareth Preston 27 plays

Active movement of the hip joint

A demonstration of how to examine the active movement of a client's hip joints.

From  Gareth Preston 48 plays