Search for tag: "quiz"

DigiEd: Give students access to create their own Kahoot quizzes

With the full EDU Kahoot account, each academic can issue up to a 100 Student Passes to their students for the duration of that acadmic year. This video takes you through the steps. NB Video only -…

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From  Stuart Parkin 3 plays

Active Learning with Kahoot 14/11/23

A 60-minute session which is ideal for those who would like to know what the quiz app Kahoot! is and what it can do for them? Covering the basics of how to create and use a Kahoot quiz the session…

+6 More
From  Stuart Parkin 8 plays

Making the most out of MMUTube - July 22nd 2020

Adding chapters, quiz questions and hotspots to your videos.

+3 More
From  Phil Sayer 50 plays