Our virtual exercise classes can be physically challenging. Physical exercise carries with it risks that we cannot entirely eliminate, including risk of personal injury.
It is your responsibility to assess whether you are fit enough to participate in our virtual exercise classes. If you have any concerns, you should obtain professional or specialist advice from your doctor before participating. If you at any time experience shortness of breath, light-headedness or dizziness, or feel unwell in any way, you should stop immediately.
Please note that this session does not include a warm up or cool down. However, they can be found on our other MMU Sport YouTube videos.
Participation in our virtual exercise classes, is entirely at your risk. We do not accept any liability for injury or damage you suffer when participating in our virtual exercise classes, unless caused by our negligence or other breach of duty by us.
Please ensure you have cleared your surroundings and have grabbed a drink to stay hydrated. Finally, know your limits and feel free to pause the video to have sufficient rest breaks throughout.