From Gareth Preston November 8th, 2018
49 | 02:42duration 2 minutes 42 seconds
Active movement of the ankle joint
From Gareth Preston September 27th, 2013
78 | 01:57duration 1 minute 57 seconds
Isometric testing of the ankle muscles
60 | 01:28duration 1 minute 28 seconds
Passive movement of the ankle joint
849 | 15:35duration 15 minutes 35 seconds
Foot and Ankle Objective Assessment
From Gareth Preston February 21st, 2017
71 | 05:37duration 5 minutes 37 seconds
Active movement of the hip joint
101 | 01:41duration 1 minute 41 seconds
Active movement of the knee joint
121 | 02:48duration 2 minutes 48 seconds
Isometric testing of the hip muscles
77 | 01:23duration 1 minute 23 seconds
Isometric testing of the knee muscles
36 | 04:01duration 4 minutes 1 second
Passive movement of the hip joint
106 | 00:59duration 59 seconds
Passive movement of the knee joint
Start & End Time:
Start Time:
From Gareth Preston